Sci Station Canada

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Canada's Stake on the Very Small Frontier

An article in the Toronto Star - Focusing on the nanorealm - has drawn public attention on the National Institute for Nanotechnology - click here for the official site and
This expansion is mirrored on the commercial front as can be seen from the Montreal based
Canadian NanoBusiness Alliance. Which states that "there are over 130 organizations currently involved in nanotechnology in Canada. Virtually all activities are conducted in the vicinity of 5 nanotechnology hubs. The distribution of organizations and principle industrial nanotechnology clusters are as follows and are further detailed in the following sections:

Montreal (40%) with nanotech clusters developing in information technology & communications, chemicals & materials, aerospace & defence, and medical

Toronto (25%) with nanotech clusters developing in medical, and chemicals & materials

Ottawa (15%) with a nanotech cluster developing in information technology & communications

Edmonton (10%) with a nanotech cluster developing in information technology & communications

Vancouver (10%) with a nanotech cluster developing in energy"

Canada certainly has it's foot in the door but can it make a grand entrance?


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